Dessertcirkusets bedste chokoladekage

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Omdøb filer med underlige navne

Sometimes you end up having files that can't be opened or renamed in Dolphin (re. KDE bug #165044) because their name contains silly characters in some silly encoding. This is what Dolphin might offer to do in such a situation... if it were able to detect that such a situation had occured (which it isn't, according to the heated discussion under the linked-to bug report)


Lilypond trick

When writing music, normal repetition marks ("fat" bar lines with dots) is read as "repeat twice". When something should repeat e.g. four times, you might write "4×" below the closing repetition mark (like in the riff above which is from ''Superstition'' by Stevie Wonder). In LilyPond you'd write

LaTeX tricks

Her er nogle løsninger på (nogle af!) de problemer jeg har haft som LaTeX-bruger.

Automatisk Orddeling

En af de fede ting ved LaTeX er den superstramme typografi – prøv at sammenligne et Word-dokument hvor teksten er kantjusteret (justified) med et LaTeX-dokument – forskellen vil være tydelig! Orddelingslisterne er vigtige i denne sammenhæng, for de gør at man ikke får lange ord til at stritte ud i margin.



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